Post provided by Ashley Mendoza from
My roommates and I covered our mirror with post-its of uplifting and complimentary phrases. They ranged from “Date that, marry that,” and “You shine like the light from the sun,” to “You are a daughter of god,” and “Your beauty is priceless.”
In Utah my face does a pretty good job of not breaking out, but ironically the day I started the 10-day challenge a nice little beauty of a zit crept up right in between my eyebrows. This zit was huge and the kind that was not going anywhere anytime soon. Because we were doing the challenge I told myself I couldn’t be critical of my face or body (in this case specifically my face). This was hard as I obviously had something to be pretty critical about. I did not realize how critical I was toward myself until this experience. To counteract my negative thoughts I told myself that along with the compliments on the mirror, I had to give myself one additional compliment every time I looked in the mirror. I learned something very significant from this experience: Mirrors are not just for us to look at our physical beauty.
Throughout the challenge I was able to look at myself and ask: who am I? What things have I accomplished? How have I grown? What are my goals and plans for the future? As I asked myself these things I realized how much meaning looking in the mirror had. It was like taking a personal inventory every time! It’s not like a personal inventory of how many pink or blue shirts I have (which are a lot), but something that carries more weight. It wasn't about how many zits I had on my face or whether I had a couple hairs gone astray that needed to be plucked from my eyebrows.
One of my favorite quotes is, “When you look in the mirror do you see who God sees?” I think this is what I got out of the challenge. It wasn’t about inner or outer beauty. It was about me realizing who I am and who I am going to become.
I challenge everyone to take your own personal inventory when you look in the mirror. What attributes do you have that you like about yourself? How have you grown? What goals and plans are YOU making for your future? When you look in the mirror, be confident. Find confidence that there is a God who loves you unconditionally. Find confidence that YOU have a purpose. Find confidence that YOU are beautiful.
Tomorrow's Challenge: Making Peace with your Hair
We want to hear about your experiences as well! Tweet or Instagram with the hashtag #RecapturingBeauty about your journey over the next 10 days! You can follow @wsrbyu on Instagram and @byuwsr on Twitter.