Day 6: Making Peace with Food

Post provided by Stefanie Morris at

Out of the ten challenges, Day 6 (Food) would not have been my first choice. I have never really considered that food might be a factor in my issues with body image. But this challenge ended up being perfect for me! So here it is: my experience with making peace with food. Let me give you a little context about me. I have a passion for food.

I love cooking for people and I love being cooked for. I am always looking forward to the next time I can eat. Seriously! Some of my addictions include peanut butter, ramen zucchini soup (I tell myself the zucchinis make up for the lack of nutrition in ramen), nachos (on a stressful day), and graham crackers (like . . . a whole sleeve of them ). Sometimes, my passion for food is healthy, and sometimes it is an addiction I know I need to curb.

I strongly believe that food is one of the great things in life. It brings people together, it tastes amazing and obviously, it keeps us alive. Though I try to eat healthy I also really believe that once in a while you need to treat yourself. Once in a while you really should just have a girl’s night and eat as much pizza and peanut butter M&Ms as you want. And sometimes you really should eat the delicious ice cream cake your roommate makes because she is an angel sent from above. 

So I don’t think avoiding food is the answer if you worry about you body image. I’ve tried it before and it never lasts. What I realized as I took the challenge to make peace with food is that maybe I should change my perspective on eating. Heavenly Father designed us to need food. That is a fact. Why would he do that? Here is the number one reason I thought of— I’m sure there are many more.

Heavenly Father gave us food as a blessing. 

I really believe this is true. Food is always spoken of as a blessing in the scriptures! When the wicked rebel against God they are punished by famine. When God’s people are on the right track they are blessed with sustenance; with lands of honey and pomegranates, with manna, with loaves and fishes. So it must mean that food is good! It is good to enjoy it and to make it part of your life. But in moderation—like everything else. I feel good about my body when I know I am eating well and eating what I want but not going over the top. I feel good about my body when I eat enough to make me feel good. That means something different for every one of us. You know what it feels like when your eating habits feel good. Your body tells you if it is being fed right. And if that means that you aren’t perfectly skinny that is okay! Personally I am always self-conscious of having fat. Even that word makes me cringe. But I’m writing it anyways because its true. It’s normal to have some. It’s even healthy to have some. Even when I eat right I still have fat. That’s just how my body is. I shouldn’t compare myself to anyone else. You too! Don’t do it to yourself. No one's body acts exactly the same way. 

One last thing—the challenge to think about my food—to take time to eat, without distractions—was one of the hardest, most beneficial parts of this challenge for me! I usually read or take a break and watch a TV show while I eat when I get home at night. You know how the scriptures say, “Feast upon the words of Christ”? (2 Nephi 32:3) Well, I realized that I need more time to think about my Savior, about my life, about the blessings I have, and about my purpose. And taking the time to eat and to sit there is HEALTHY because it gives me time to do this. I could take my food back to my room, plug my headphones in and eat (which is my usual routine)—or I could think about the words of Christ, my life purpose, or talk with my roommates for the same amount of time. 

Remembering my purpose as a daughter of God and opening myself up to others is one of the best ways to combat any issues with body image. If we really understand who we are and think of others more than we think about ourselves then we will learn to love in a way that leaves no more room for hating our bodies. 

I’m going to work on that. I love my body because it IS me. It isn’t something I’m ever going to get to throw away. I’m not just the spirit that lives in it. So I should learn to love it. And blaming food isn’t ever going to be the solution for loving my body. Food is a blessing, so I’m going to think about it like that from now on. 

Tomorrow's Challenge: Making Peace with Food 

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