A typical Me Date might involve a new haircut or a new nail polish shade or a movie I’ve been dying to see or a sweet treat I’ve been craving—or all of the above. But no matter the other variables, a Me Date ALWAYS includes precious alone time.
At first I struggled to spend so much time on my own. A whole evening without company, without someone else around to keep me entertained: it was kind of a scary prospect. But I soon realized that my aversion to this quality time with myself was further proof that I ought to practice it more!
Author Tamim Ansary wisely observed that “we need solitude, because when we're alone, we're free from obligations, we don't need to put on a show, and we can hear our own thoughts.”
Sometimes I drown out my thoughts with technology. Sometimes I drown them out with friends and family members. Sometimes I drown them out with work and other errands. So pulling away from the chaos of companionship helps me to better listen to myself.
I don’t always withdraw entirely—like I said, sometimes I watch a movie or go get a haircut—but even just turning down the volume a notch or two on other channels can help me to hear myself more clearly.
Do you like to be alone? Can you stand your own company?
Maybe you should try to take yourself on a Me Date. Show yourself how much you appreciate your own body, your intelligence, your talents. Enjoy a peaceful night of favorites and listen carefully to your thoughts.
How do you pamper yourself?